Marco Inve Marco Inve

Holiday survival guide

Getting through the holiday season while maintaining the healthy habits that keep you feeling and looking your best can start to feel like a challenge. Fear not, with a few strategies thought out in advance it is possible to have a healthy holiday season.

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andrea roberts andrea roberts

Does blood sugar matter if you don’t have diabetes?

Most conversation about blood sugar happens in the context of diabetes—a condition characterized by chronically high glucose levels (AKA blood sugar). However, it turns out that glucose dynamics affect everyone’s health.

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andrea roberts andrea roberts

Fermented Foods and Your Gut Health

Want to stay healthy? Listen to your gut! 70% of your body’s immunity begins with your gut! Luckily, fermented foods have been a part of human diets for thousands of years!

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andrea roberts andrea roberts

Sleep and How It Relates to Your Health

In many cultures, like our own, a lack of sleep is seen as a badge of honor of sorts. “I’ll sleep when I’m dead,” people say, as they grind out 90 hour work weeks, stack every minute of their day with chores and tasks, cram in every little thing in their day to make the most out of it. And while there’s certainly nothing wrong with building your career and staying busy, it’s a mistake to do those things at the expense of your sleep.

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Marco Inve Marco Inve


Hi! We are Annette and Steve! We discovered Healthy Habit a few months ago and we are hooked, from the food to the staff, we can't get enough! We really do believe that what you put inside your body, the environment you surround your body with, and the thoughts you put into your body, all create healthier habits, if you choose.

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Marco Inve Marco Inve


Your inbox is full, deadlines are approaching and if someone popped into your home they could mistake the mess for a burglary. The last thing on your mind is that spin class, but exercise is exactly what you need to get back on track. In just 20 minutes of physical activity a day you can dramatically improve your mood, mindset, and overall sense of well-being. Follow our tips to stay moving and motivated even on a tight schedule!

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Michael Gurhy Michael Gurhy


You may reach for the spice rack in your kitchen to add depth and flavor to dishes, but did you know spices can also protect the body from chronic illness with their high antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties?…

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Marco Inve Marco Inve


Here at Healthy Habit, we are aware of how everyday choices impact our environment and we are determined to take responsibility for building a more sustainable, healthier way of life. We believe it is up to us, as individuals, organizations, private companies, and governments to make responsible decisions…

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